Note: Special thanks to Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR, whose delightfully offbeat dragon girlfriend series created the spark of inspiration from which this more impassioned series grew.
This is Part One of the You Are My Treasure series.
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Yes, just a little further.
There’s nothing to worry about!
We’re not that deep.
We’re practically still on the surface!
[coaxing] Come on, now!
Right here.
This is it . . . my favorite spot.
What do you think?
Isn’t it beautiful?
[content] Yeah.
I think that rock formation over there is my favorite.
The way it slopes over . . . like a gentle breeze was blowing on it.
And then you realize – it’s solid rock.
Now, watch the cave ceiling.
Wait a bit for your eyes to finish adjusting to the dark.
Do you see them?
They’re little crystals.
Sparkling in the tiny light.
There’s so much beauty here.
You’re so sweet!
I love the things you say to me.
And that one was almost true . . . but not quite.
There is one thing in this cave . . . more beautiful than I am.
One person, that is.
[a single, pure, perfect kiss]
Thanks for letting me take you here.
But . . . before we get carried away . . .
I . . . have something that I want to talk about.
I don’t mean to spoil the mood.
But . . . it’s important.
And . . . it’s hard for me to talk about.
That’s actually the reason I brought you here.
This . . . is one of my secret places.
Where I go . . . to be alone.
To gather strength.
To remember who I am.
I . . . I wanted to bring you here.
I don’t want to be alone here any more.
I want you to be here with me.
But . . . I also came here to gather strength.
Because of what I have to tell you.
I can see that I’m worrying you.
[chagrined] I’m sorry.
I’m doing this all wrong.
It’s just . . . I’ve never told this to anyone before.
Thank you.
You really are a beautiful, beautiful man.
I don’t deserve you.
[small laugh]
Well, we won’t fight over it.
[deep breath in and out to gather strength]
The reason I want to talk is because . . . I feel like things have been getting more serious between us.
And . . . I want that.
I really, really want that.
I mean . . . how could I not?
You’re brilliant.
And humble.
And strong.
And gentle.
And you make me feel . . . like I’m all of those things, too.
[intense] And you are also . . . Greek-god-level gorgeous.
You are!
[sober] What you’re doing with a girl like me . . . I just don’t –
[he has cut her off; pause while he speaks]
[contented and happy sigh] Hmmmmm.
You know, the more you say those sweet things to me . . .
. . . the exact things that I need to hear . . . exactly when I need to hear them . . .
. . . the more I wonder how I could possibly deserve you.
Look, I’ll never get this out unless I get it out, so . . .
Well . . . strange as it seems to me . . .
I get the impression that . . . maybe . . . you want us to get more serious, too.
[long pause]
[very soft but intense] Thank you.
[another deep breath in and out]
I want you to know that I will always tell you the truth.
I have never lied to you . . . and I never will.
And I want you to know that . . . as long as you choose to be with me . . . I will always protect you.
I will always put your needs before mine.
You’ve always done that for me . . . and I so, so want to do that for you.
So . . . if things are going to get more serious between us . . . there’s something that you have a right to know.
About me.
Like I said, I’ve never told anyone this.
And it’s hard for me.
[blurting it out] I’m dragonblooded.
That’s right.
My grandfather.
He’s a shapeshifter.
I’m pretty sure his lair isn’t far from here.
I mean, as dragons reckon it!
They may be huge, but they can fly fast.
So “not far” . . . could still be hundreds of miles.
[slightly naughty] And my grandmother . . . well!
She was very, very beautiful.
[arch] I’ve seen pictures.
And he . . . being a dragon . . . wanted her to be his treasure.
Well, to be one of his treasures.
[sad] Dragons . . . they’re not human.
They don’t . . .
They don’t love.
Not people, anyway.
They love things.
[uncomfortable] Well. Anyway.
He took her to his lair, and . . . shifted forms.
My grandmother gave birth to my mother.
The first dragonblood in our line.
My grandparents had other children, too.
And they married humans . . . and had children of their own.
And . . . we’re all dragonbloods.
We’re not dragons.
But the dragon blood inside us . . . is an important part of who we are.
[blurting it out] I was born in this cave, actually.
Giving birth in caves . . . it’s our way.
That’s why this is such an important place for me.
The cave that you’re born in . . . is a sacred place.
To a dragon.
Or a dragonblood.
And even though we’re not dragons, we have . . . desires.
Strong desires.
Like the need to have dens . . . where we can retreat from the world.
To be alone.
To gather strength.
To remember who we are.
This is one of my dens.
I come here pretty often.
The apartment of mine that you’ve seen . . . that’s another.
I do actually live there!
That wasn’t, like, fake . . . or anything.
I just . . . also live in other places as well.
And I am a jeweler.
Just like I told you.
I craft and repair things made of precious metals and jewels . . . for select clients.
Private practice.
No storefront.
[anxious] It’s just . . . the clients . . .
Are me and my family.
For dragonbloods, treasure is an important part of our lives.
And . . . that’s what I do.
I take care of treasures.
And make new ones.
For me and my family.
Like I said, I’ve never lied to you.
[anxious] But . . . I couldn’t tell you . . . at first . . .
I didn’t know . . . if you and I . . . would . . .
If you would turn out to be . . .
[not yet believing] Really?
You really understand?
[overjoyed] I’m so relieved!
I’m sorry for doubting you!
You’ve always been so understanding . . . and patient . . . and gentle . . .
But somehow . . . I just couldn’t bring myself to feel sure . . . that you would . . .
[relieved] Thank you.
Yes, I have a lair.
It’s much bigger than this.
Small caves for birthing, big caves for living.
That’s our way.
[having fun] But I can’t tell you where it is.
[lighthearted] That’s right.
It’s a sacred law for us.
[serious now] A dragon . . . or a dragonblood . . . only reveals her lair . . .
[very serious] To her mate.
[romantic] So . . . maybe someday.
If you’re lucky.
Although I should say: If I’m lucky!
[big, joyous laugh]
Okay, if we’re lucky!
[a single, pure, perfect kiss]
And . . . now you can ask me.
It’s totally okay.
You can ask.
[playfully pretending to be exasperated] About what’s in my lair.
[calm] It’s okay.
I don’t mind!
You’re so virtuous!
[playfully pouty] It’s awful!
Don’t you know . . . dragons love to brag about their treasures?
[amused] Well!
Since you asked!
Yes, I have a big hoard of treasure in my lair.
That’s why I don’t need a paying job.
All of us . . . well, we’re independently wealthy.
[sparkling] I literally have a big pile of gold coins that I rest on at night.
I do!
I really do!
[having fun] I told you, I would never lie to you!
[absolutely dead serious] When I am in my lair, I spend the night . . . on a big pile . . . of gold coins.
[playfully pretending to be offended] Well, it’s not uncomfortable for me!
That’s part of who I am!
[pretending to chant, like at a protest march] I’m here! I’m dragonblooded! Get used to it!
[really, really enjoying this] And I have a big, beautiful full-length mirror in a solid gold frame.
It has rubies and emeralds all up and down the sides . . . and sapphires across the top.
It’s not all crowns and scepters, though.
[still enjoying this] I have a big globe that was made in the 18th century.
The size of a beach ball.
Like . . . a really big one.
All the little lines and labels on it . . . are gold inlay.
The capital cities of all the great historic empires and civilizations . . . are marked with different-colored jewels.
[wistful] I got a lot of it from my grandfather.
His hoard must be enormous.
When we come of age, he gives each of us some of his treasure.
Enough so that we have a respectable hoard of our own.
[somber] He’s very traditional.
The old ways . . . the ancient laws . . . are very important to him.
He’d be furious if any of us didn’t have a proper hoard.
[mixed feelings about this] I’m kind of a favorite of his.
When I was six, he gave me a solid gold statue of Aphrodite. [“AFF-row-dye-tee”]
[neutral] It’s . . . well, it’s very impressive.
Amazing craftsmanship.
A bit gaudy for my taste, though.
But when I was six . . . well, he really won me over.
For a while.
Anyway, I was way too young to have treasure of my own.
My mother kept it for me until I came of age.
The thing is . . . except when the ancient law requires it . . . dragons don’t give gifts.
Not ever.
They just don’t do it.
I think he talked himself into it . . . because he knew that when I came of age . . . he’d be giving me my first hoard.
He was just doing it early.
You have no idea how hard it is for me . . . to give you things.
Even little things.
[intense] But I just want so badly . . . to show you how I feel.
My human side has needs, too.
Remember that time I gave you all those roses?
I agonized about it for a whole day and night.
Before . . . and again, afterward.
That’s why I was such a mess.
That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.
But you?
You are so, so worth it.
[a single, pure, perfect kiss]
And I’m going to keep working on that.
I want to give you things more and more.
Not for the things . . . but because of how I feel.
Anyway . . . not all my treasure is from my grandfather.
I’m dragonblooded.
I can’t just keep what I have.
I have to be finding new treasures.
My favorite?
[awkward] Well . . . that’s . . . kind of complicated.
That’s another reason I had to talk to you.
Okay, can I say something . . . and just get it all out?
For almost all my life, my favorite treasure was my chalice.
Yes, that’s right.
For drinking out of.
For years, I’ve cherished it.
Protected it.
When I wasn’t in my lair . . . I daydreamed about it.
[flustered] Maybe that sounds . . . I don’t know . . . dumb.
To you.
Thank you for not judging.
[wistfully] It’s solid gold, of course.
With four huge handles on the sides.
Each handle in the shape of a Greek deity.
Zeus, Hera, Apollo and Athena.
They have silver hair.
And diamonds for eyes.
[dreamy] They’re so beautiful.
[delighted] You look like Apollo . . . in case you were wondering.
[dreamy again] And It’s big.
Like, you could pour several bottles of wine into it.
[serious] But I never would!
In fact, I’ve never drunk from it at all.
I would never pour anything into it.
It’s . . . it’s too special to me.
You see . . . every dragon has . . . one special treasure.
A treasure that . . . we cherish above all others.
Above everything else in our lives.
A treasure that we give our hearts to.
I literally stared at my chalice for almost a whole day, once.
You see . . . we don’t actually sleep.
We rest at night, like you do.
[awkward] But we . . . don’t actually . . . lose consciousness.
We don’t need to.
What we do is . . .
[shy] We . . . gaze at our treasures.
[anxious] Please don’t judge.
Every night, for a few hours, I . . .
I take some of my treasures and . . .
[shy] I gaze at them.
I admire their beauty.
And I fall into . . . well, a sort of . . . a trace.
And sometimes I just stay there.
When it’s an especially beautiful treasure.
Like my chalice.
But . . . not lately.
That’s what I need to tell you.
I’ve fallen for you.
And now . . .
My chalice doesn’t satisfy me any more.
I mean, it’s amazingly beautiful.
I still love it!
But . . . it’s not my special treasure any more.
Not now.
Not . . . not now that I love you.
I love you now.
And I want you to be . . . my special treasure.
The treasure I cherish above everything else.
The treasure I adore.
The treasure I protect.
The treasure I take care of.
That’s . . . that’s you now.
Or . . . I want it to be.
I want you to be the treasure I cherish.
If . . . if you’re okay with that.
You are the treasure I want now.
You are the special treasure in my heart.
You are the beautiful, beautiful treasure I could gaze at all day.
[awkward] And all night.
You are the treasure I adore.
You are the treasure I want to protect.
You are the treasure I want to take care of.
You are the treasure I want to cherish.
Come here.
My treasure.
My precious, precious treasure.
[vulnerable] Please . . . please let me hold you?
My treasure.
My beautiful, beautiful treasure.
My chalice.
My Apollo.
My precious, precious treasure.
Thank you.
Listen . . . I hope you don’t think this means . . .
I would never see you as . . . a thing.
Like my grandfather . . . with my grandmother.
I mean . . . my grandma always said she was happy.
But . . . thinking back . . .
I don’t think she really was.
[very grave] I will never.
I will never.
I will never do that to you.
I swear it.
I will never treat you like . . . [disgusted] like a thing.
My mother has been helping me with that.
When I realized . . .
[suddenly shy] When I realized I had fallen for you completely . . .
. . . and my chalice wasn’t my special treasure any more . . .
I went to her.
I’m so glad that I have her.
She’s really wise about these things.
[small laugh]
She helped me to understand.
How to . . . how to love a man.
How to love a man like he’s a man.
Not a chalice.
How to make sure I love you the way I should.
To love you like a person.
Not like a . . . [disgusted] like a thing.
How to make sure I keep my human side strong.
You see . . . we love beauty.
That’s what makes us . . . the way we are.
But in dragons . . . the love of beauty always becomes . . . corrupted.
Because they can’t love.
They can’t love people.
It always ends up as . . . a love for things.
Especially money.
I mean, don’t get me wrong . . . I don’t mind having money!
[lighthearted] I rest at night on a bed of gold coins, after all.
But I know that money . . .
Ultimately . . . it can’t satisfy.
It can’t . . .
It can’t love you.
My human side keeps me grounded.
Grounded in love.
Real love.
The love of a person . . . for a person.
But . . . it’s not easy.
The blood in my veins . . . it has needs, too.
So . . .
I know this is a lot.
I’m sure you need time . . . to process all this.
[not daring to believe] Really?
You mean it?
Are you sure?
I definitely – definitely – do not deserve you.
No, no arguments.
I don’t deserve you.
Look, the more you argue with me on this . . . the more I just feel unworthy.
Unworthy of this kind of . . .
. . . love.
[awkward] Would . . .
Um . . .
I’m sorry, but . . .
[deep breath in and out]
[blurting it out] Would it be okay if I hoard you?
Hoard you.
Because you’re my treasure.
Um . . . I guess I just mean . . .
[awkward] Here, hold on a second . . .
Let me just lie down here . . .
I told you, it’s not uncomfortable!
I’m dragonblood!
This is how we live!
[awkward] Now . . . just . . . um . . .
Just lay next to me . . .
And put your head on my shoulder.
Right here.
And snuggle up close to me.
So I can . . .
Wrap my arms around you.
And hold you.
And cherish you.
And protect you.
And love you.
My treasure.
My special treasure.
My precious treasure.
My beautiful, beautiful, beautiful man.
And . . . now I’m hoarding you.
[lighthearted] That’s right!
Are you okay with this?
Are you sure?
You let me know if you need anything, okay?
I mean it.
Anything at all.
If you need something, I want to take care of you.
Take good care of my treasure.
But as far as I’m concerned . . .
All you have to do is lie here.
And let me hold you.
Take care of you.
Let me cherish you.
Let me hoard you.
I know you can’t lay here forever.
However long we can do this . . .
It will be enough.
I promise.
My treasure.
All mine.
My precious, precious treasure.
You are the most beautiful treasure in the whole history of the world.
And I swear.
I swear I will protect you.
Take care of you.
And always treat you like a person.
Not like a thing.
[deadly serious] If I ever – and I mean ever – objectify you, you let me know.
I don’t want to end up like my grandfather.
Not ever.
I need to know that you’ll tell me if I do.
I need to know that you’ll say something.
If I ever treat you like a thing.
Will you do that?
For me?
I don’t, at all, at all, deserve you.
My treasure.
My special treasure.
My precious treasure.