Enchanted Mystery

A beautiful and mysterious figure entices a man to follow her into the enchanted woods. But she discovers that by luring him to meet his fate, she has sealed her own fate as well. Together, they discover that love, beauty and happiness are not what they thought, and the mysterious power that unites them will change them forever. 

The Daring Lover (Part One, about 2,500 words)

A man is lured into the enchanted woods by a beautiful and mysterious figure. But the mysteries he will discover in her grove are nothing compared to the mysteries she will discover in his heart.

The Dedicated Beloved (Part Two, about 2,500 words)

As her lover sleeps in the enchanted grove, the beloved explains to her spirit-sister why she loves him so much, and how their love will change them both.

The Beautiful Bond (Part Three, about 2,000 words)

The beloved proclaims her love, and implores the elders of her people to allow her human lover to remain in the enchanted woods so they can be together.

The Endless Mystery (Part Four, about 1,400 words)

The beloved once again lures her human lover to her grove, so she can show him in a new way how their love has changed them – and what new mysteries still lie in wait.

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