This is Part One of the Enchanted Mystery series.
If you perform one of my scripts, please let me know so I can add the video to my channel!
[sound of rustling branches and leaves]
[softly romantic] Hello.
[sudden, lighthearted giggles]
[teasing] Are you lost, my dear?
Do you need someone to . . . help you find your way?
[long pause]
Well, well!
You are a brave one.
I’ve shown myself to men before.
Humans, I mean.
They just turn around and run.
Every one of them.
Not you.
And . . . I will say . . .
[romantic] Lucky me.
You’re not just braver than the others.
You’re cuter, too.
I wonder . . . is it just . . . fortitude?
Are you made of cold iron?
Or is it . . . something else?
Are you . . . bold?
It’s all right.
You can stare.
I don’t mind.
In fact, I adore it!
[earnest] That’s what I like most about men.
They love beauty so much.
They just . . . stare at it.
In awe.
In wonder.
My people . . . we don’t feel that.
Beauty is too close to us.
It’s our nature.
We swim in it all day.
So we don’t appreciate it.
Just like the fish . . . who don’t know what “water” is.
Imagine being surrounded by beauty all the time.
What would that be like, after a year?
A decade?
A century?
That’s what it’s like for us.
In my world.
I’d give anything . . . to love beauty as much as you do.
That’s why I show myself to men.
I’ve seen them . . . staring at beauty.
[calm, neutral tone] I want them to stare at me.
[long pause]
[sparkling] He speaks!
He is daring after all!
I’m so happy!
I was afraid you were made of cold iron.
What a disappointment that would be!
You can call me Callista.
It means, “most beautiful.”
[lighthearted] Of course not!
You men don’t know anything, do you?
Names have power, my darling.
You will never know my true name.
So . . . my adorable man.
What should I call you?
[amused] That’s your true name, isn’t it?
You just . . . gave it to me!
[playful] And after I warned you!
Well, don’t worry.
I’ll keep it safe.
[mischievous] But not too safe!
[contented sigh]
[appreciative] You really are something.
I think I’m going to enjoy you.
[breathless and delighted] He approaches!
Oh, my!
You are daring!
But . . .
Are you daring enough . . .
To take my hand?
[sharp intake of breath]
[shocked] Your hand!
[overwhelmed] Your touch!
It’s like . . .
[gentle] Like suddenly stepping into an icy stream.
[vulnerable] It . . . feels good.
[pleasant sigh]
How does my touch feel to you?
Of course it does!
That’s the touch of immortality.
Do you want . . . more?
For example . . .
If I were to take a step backward . . .
[playful] Ooooooooo!
You don’t want to let go of my hand, do you?
So you’ll allow me to lead you.
That’s good.
Because I have something I want to show you.
In my grove.
It’s not far.
It’s only a whole world away.
[sound of rustling branches and leaves begins and continues]
Just how far . . . will you let me take you?
I guess we’ll find out . . . just how daring you are.
[sound of rustling branches and leaves ends]
Welcome to the other world.
Adorable man.
Make sure you keep holding my hand.
[gently] You don’t belong here.
Remember that.
There are dangerous creatures here.
[sound of rustling branches and leaves begins and continues]
Don’t worry.
I have the power to protect you.
You’re safe with me.
[sound of running water begins, at low volume, continues pleasantly in the background]
Keep holding on to me.
[sound of rustling branches and leaves ends; water sound continues]
Stay close to the water.
My power is in it.
I’m taking you to my grove.
Where my power is greatest.
Nothing dangerous can even approach you there.
Except, of course . . . for me.
[romantic] I’m the most dangerous creature of all.
I’ll look into your heart!
Nothing’s more dangerous than that!
[brief sound of rustling branches and leaves, does not continue]
[optional: as they enter her grove, the sound of water in the background may remain unchanged, stop completely, get quieter or get louder, depending on how you want the listener to picture the water in her grove – it could be a completely still pond, or a broad river running gently, or a bubbling stream running swiftly]
Here we are.
[gently coaxing] Come on.
This is what you came for.
My beauty.
My power.
The touch of immortality.
It’s here.
All of it.
And only the boldest man can touch it.
[romantic] Dare you?
Or are you made of cold iron after all?
[brief sound of rustling branches and leaves, does not continue]
[reassuring] That’s my adorable man.
I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.
[calm, pleased] You are in my power now.
This is the place of my power.
[sparkling] And here you are.
[coaxing again] Come here.
By the water.
[eager] Would you like to try something?
Take off your shoes.
[long pause]
Put your feet in my water.
Like this.
[sharp intake of breath]
[surprised] I can feel you!
[breathless] I can feel your spirit!
[big, delighted laughter]
I never suspected!
[happy] So this is what a man’s spirit feels like!
You’re so strong.
And yet . . .
So gentle.
Not strong like an oak.
Or strong like a bear.
And . . .
Not gentle like a bird.
Or gentle like a flower.
It’s like . . .
It’s like . . .
[confused but delighted] What is it like?
[small gasp of realization]
Silly me!
It’s like the water!
Endlessly gentle.
And yet . . . incredibly strong.
You see what I was saying?
The beauty.
It’s so close to me . . .
It’s so much a part of what I am . . .
That I didn’t even recognize it.
When I found it . . . in another form.
When I found it in you.
In your spirit.
[romantic] Are all men as strong and gentle as you?
Or are you . . . special?
[lighthearted] I forgot how little you see.
You don’t really feel spirits.
Not much.
Not like we do.
[softly] And you never . . . look into people’s hearts.
Are you ready to try the next step?
[sound of something dipping into and out of the water]
Drink my water . . . from my hands.
But be warned, my dear.
If you drink from my cup . . . I will see into your heart.
[a single, very gentle laugh]
The danger doesn’t matter, does it?
Not to you.
We both know it’s too late . . . to turn back.
We both know you’re going to drink.
My dear and daring man.
[intense whisper] Drink from my cup!
[several long, slow, gentle breaths in and out]
[confused] What . . .
What is this?
[dread] Oh, no.
No, no, no.
[comforting] Oh, my adorable man!
[whispering] What is this terrible thing inside you?
[dread] Is this . . .
Is this what they call . . .
[in shock] I never dreamed!
The elders told me about it.
They said . . .
They said that men . . . feel pain in their hearts.
Not just in their bodies.
They said the pain in the heart was worse.
That we couldn’t even imagine it.
I believed them, but . . .
[whisper] I never dreamed.
[whisper] I never dreamed what it was like.
Oh, my adorable man!
Come here!
Come here and let me hold you!
You are safe with me.
You are safe.
I can protect you.
I will protect you.
[whisper] Just let me hold you.
[gently] You are in my power now.
My power can take it away.
The unhappiness.
I will take it away.
I will take it away.
Just relax.
Just feel my arms around you.
Just be at peace.
[frustrated sigh]
It’s less now . . .
But . . .
It’s not going to go away . . . is it?
I’m sorry.
I’m so, so sorry.
I thought there was nothing . . . that my power couldn’t overcome.
In this place.
I was so sure of it.
I don’t know what to say.
You really live like this?
With these feelings?
All the time?
I see.
[long pause]
Yes, that makes sense.
But . . .
Even if you don’t feel it . . . all the time . . .
Still . . .
How do you bear it?
This pain in your heart?
One of my spirit-sisters . . . her place of power is a grove of oak trees.
They’re huge.
They look like they’re holding up the sky.
She’s the strongest creature I know.
I don’t think even she could bear this.
Not for a week!
Much less a lifetime.
[long pause]
I think I understand now.
The real reason I wanted to . . . show myself to you.
The reason I wanted you to stare at me.
I knew there was something missing.
In our world.
I knew there was something you had . . .
That we didn’t.
Our world is beautiful.
And happy.
All the time.
But . . .
It’s empty.
It’s empty because it’s always beautiful.
It’s empty because it’s always happy.
You have a strength we can’t even understand.
Your waters have a depth . . . that we can’t fathom.
What is down there?
Inside your heart?
There’s . . .
[awkward] I’m sorry, but . . . there’s something I need to tell you.
I don’t know how you’ll react.
[vulnerable] Please don’t hate me.
Please, please . . . try to understand.
There’s a waterfall.
Here . . . in our world.
And in that waterfall . . . there’s a spirit voice.
An oracle.
He tells the future.
The elders warned me not to talk to him.
I don’t know if . . . they knew what he would tell me.
Or if they were just jealous . . . of his power.
But . . . I went against them.
I went and talked to him.
I think it must have been fate.
[quietly] He told me I was destined for you.
He told me that I was destined for a man.
To be with him.
[quietly] Forever.
I . . . didn’t believe it.
I couldn’t believe it.
I told him he was lying.
But . . . I knew he wasn’t.
He told me your true name.
And exactly where you live.
And that you like to walk in the forest.
I mean . . . the one in your world.
[vulnerable, speaking softly and rhythmically] And he told me we would meet.
And that you would be my lover.
And that I would be your beloved.
And that you would marry me.
And that I would give you children.
And that we would both be changed.
And our love would be a mystery.
And we would never understand.
But we would never need to understand.
Because we would only need each other.
[long pause]
I couldn’t believe it.
That I would love a mortal.
That a man would be my mate.
I knew what would happen.
The elders would cast me out.
And . . . and I think other things . . . might happen.
If . . . if we were together.
A mortal . . . and . . . one of us.
[intense] But . . . I don’t care.
Now that I’ve seen your heart.
[vulnerable] I’m sorry.
I’m so, so sorry.
I was lying to you before.
When I said I had shown myself to men.
I’ve never shown myself to a man before today.
Before you.
You’re the only one.
I showed myself to you . . . because of the oracle.
Because I had to know . . .
If it was real.
I’m sorry for lying to you.
[bitter] All we do is lie.
All of us.
Here, I mean.
Everything is just . . . appearances.
No reality.
But no substance.
It’s all surface and no depth.
We lie all day long.
Everything we say is a lie.
Everything we do is a lie.
It’s our water.
We swim in it.
All day.
Every day.
And we don’t even know.
Now that I’ve looked into your heart . . .
I can’t lie to you any more.
[long pause]
[blurting it out] My true name is Silvergleam.
[kissing sounds]
[after a few kisses, she begins letting out little moans of desire while still kissing]
[kissing gently stops]
[joyful] I’ve never kissed before!
It’s amazing!
No wonder you men are so obsessed with it!
[more kissing]
[more kissing]
[breathlessly, between kisses] Stay here!
[more kissing]
[breathlessly, between kisses] Stay here with me!
[more kissing]
[breathlessly, between kisses] Kiss me forever and ever!
[kissing gently stops]
I mean it!
[joyful] You can stay here forever!
My power will grant you life.
It’s in the water.
It’s in this place.
[romantic] I can give you everything you need.
[serious now] I will give you my beauty.
I will give you my happiness.
And you . . .
[vulnerable] I need you to give me your strength.
I need you to give me . . . whatever it is in your heart . . .
That makes you this way.
That makes you . . .
I don’t even know how to say it.
[vulnerable] I need your heart.
I need you to give me your heart.
I’ve heard you men talk about that.
Giving your heart to someone.
I didn’t know what it meant.
And . . .
I guess I still don’t know.
Not really.
But . . . somehow . . .
I know that’s what I need from you.
[awkward] And . . . I . . .
[awkward] I will give you my heart, too.
If I can.
If that’s . . .
If that’s something one of us can do.
If that’s something . . . I . . . can do.
I think I could.
If you gave me your strength . . . to do it with.
[romantic] Stay here with me.
Give me your heart.
And . . . take mine.
My daring lover!