This is Part Three of the Enchanted Mystery series.
If you perform one of my scripts, please let me know so I can add the video to my channel!
[throughout the whole script, even as her emotions ebb and flow, she maintains a tone of dignity]
Honored elders.
I am here today . . . to plead for the life of the man I love.
And for my own life.
And . . . for another life as well.
We are dying.
Only you can save us.
I wish he could be here today.
So you could see his beauty . . . and his strength.
[impassioned] Because the man I love . . . is beautiful.
More beautiful than all Ellystia’s fields of gold and scarlet.
A beauty that would silence the great waterfall.
And the man I love . . . is strong.
Stronger than Trisstaiya’s grove of oak.
A strength that would hurl the very oceans into the sky.
You have known me for centuries.
You know the wildness of my spirit.
And yet . . . I have given myself to this man . . . utterly and without reservation.
I saw his heart.
I felt his unhappiness.
The unhappiness that all men feel.
That none of you has ever dared even to look upon.
I felt it.
And without hesitation . . . I gave myself to him.
That is the measure of his beauty and strength.
But he cannot be here today.
He is sick.
He is dying.
You know this.
But you do not know the reason.
And you do not know . . . that in a different way . . .
I am sick as well.
I, too, am dying.
And you do not know . . . that we are sick because we love each other.
You do not know these things . . . because you do not know what love is.
I do not mean the romances . . . that you call “love.”
Real love.
You do not know what it is . . . to give yourselves.
You do not know what it is . . . to treasure the good of another.
You do not know what it is . . . to care for another so much . . .
That you might get hurt.
This is real love.
And you do not know it.
And you do not know that the man I love . . . is my mate.
My husband.
In spite of all your warnings.
In spite of all your threats.
In spite of all your attempts to control us.
We have become one.
We have joined ourselves.
And by joining ourselves . . . we have joined our whole worlds.
That is why we are sick.
The change . . . that you feared so much . . . from our union.
So much that you threatened to cast me out . . . in hopes of preventing it.
It is already happening.
You cannot stop it.
Our worlds are joining.
And the strain of the union . . . is killing us.
It is making him sick in his body.
And it is making me sick in my spirit.
His body is mortal.
It was not made for our world.
[suddenly faltering] And my spirit . . .
[whispering, in pain] My spirit.
[back to calm, dignified voice] My spirit was not made . . . for unhappiness.
Our kind do not know how to bear this burden.
But to love a man . . . to truly love a man . . .
It means opening myself to his pain.
I see him . . . suffering.
And now . . . I don’t just feel his unhappiness.
I feel my own.
My spirit aches for him.
And I would not remove that pain.
Not for any price.
But my spirit was not made to bear it.
Any more than his mortal body was made for our world.
We can be saved.
And only you can save us.
I thought I could keep him in my grove forever.
Where my power would sustain his mortal body.
And my spirit would heal his heart.
But my power is not enough to sustain his body.
And my spirit is not enough to heal his heart.
We need you.
We need you to allow us to live.
We need you to allow us . . . to be who we truly are.
You are trying to force me to separate from him.
Because you think you can save me.
You cannot.
Because I will not leave him for you.
But . . . what if I did?
What if I left him for you?
Not because I truly wanted to . . . but because you bullied me into it?
Would that save me?
It would not save . . . the me I truly am.
If I gave in to your threats . . . that would destroy the me I truly am.
It would save some other me.
It would save the me that you want me to be.
But I am not that person.
And I can never be that person.
You can never make me that person.
There is no power that can make me that person.
The me you want me to be . . .
The me you want to save . . .
Is an illusion.
An illusion created by your selfish desires.
What you want is not me.
You want an illusion of me.
And that makes sense!
You live in a world of illusions.
The selfish illusions . . . that you call “love.”
But I no longer live in that world.
Real love has brought me out of your world of illusions.
Real love has brought me into the light of truth.
I know who I am now.
Who I truly am.
And I am not . . . who you say I am.
Who you require me to be.
That is your game.
Your game of illusions.
And I am done playing it.
I cannot go back . . . to the lies.
I am not who he says I am, either.
That is their game.
The game of men.
And I did not leave your game of illusions . . . to play theirs.
I am not even who I say I am.
I do not have a game of my own to play.
I am . . . myself.
I am . . . what love has made me.
I was loved into existence.
So was he.
So were you.
All things are.
Everything . . . truly is . . . whatever love makes it.
Not your selfish illusions . . . that claim to be love.
Real love.
Your love destroys life.
Real love creates it.
I am who the truth says I am.
The truth of real love.
I needed to have real love in my life . . . costly love . . . to shine the light.
So I could see the truth.
I need to live in the light now.
I need to live in the truth.
Or not at all.
I do not have to die.
And neither does he.
All you have to do . . . is permit him to live here.
In our world.
Make him one of us.
You can do that.
You have done it before.
Even some of you . . . the elders of our people . . . were once mortal.
You can do the same for him.
And if you do . . . he will live.
And so will I.
And . . . so will the daughter . . . who is already growing inside me.
The fruit of our love.
[pleading] And so will you!
You also will live!
Making him one of us will not kill you!
It will not even hurt you!
But it will change you.
Making him one of us?
It will change you . . . for the better.
Just as it has changed me.
It will bring you his beauty.
A new kind of beauty.
It will bring you his strength.
A new kind of strength.
He is not a threat to you.
He will bring you new life.
[gentle but firm] Our baby is not an abomination.
She will bring you new life!
That is what human love does.
Your kind of love never brings new life.
Their love is strong.
It is real.
And it has power.
It creates.
Your love never creates.
It never brings new life.
What have we ever created?
In all our centuries and centuries?
What is new in our world?
It is true that nothing in our world . . . grows old.
But nothing is new, either.
True, none of us is aged. [two syllables: “age-ed”]
But none of us has children.
What do we build?
What do we make?
How is the world different . . . even in a small way . . . because we were here?
Because one of us was here?
Because any of us was here?
Because all of us were here?
Not one of us can say . . . what every man can say.
That the world is different because we lived.
Every man without exception . . . can say that in some way . . . even a small way . . .
He changed the world.
He changed . . . the world of those who knew him.
Or those who were served by his works.
Not one of us can say that.
His love will bring you new life.
And our daughter’s love . . . will make you magnificent.
In ways you cannot possibly understand.
Or even imagine.
I know it is frightening.
Real love is always frightening.
Because it is costly.
And I know that fear . . . is something you cannot bear.
And that is why you want to cast me out.
Cast out your fear instead!
If you truly cannot endure fear . . . then stop allowing that fear to rule you!
Embrace people you do not understand.
If you embrace us . . . you may begin to understand us.
For you cannot understand what you do not love.
That . . . is an iron law.
All of time and space obeys it.
It’s about time we learned it.
Know this.
Whatever you decide . . .
The me that you wanted to save . . .
With all your threats and all your force . . .
Does not exist.
Stop trying to save her.
I will not pretend to be her.
If you cannot follow . . . where my husband and my daughter and I are going . . .
Then we bear you no ill will.
We will face our fate . . . with our heads held high.
For truth is greater than life.
And love is not love . . . if it is not lived in the truth.
We will have truth . . . whatever it costs us.
We will have love.
For better or for worse.
All we need . . . all we ask . . . is for you to have us . . . as we are.
As we truly are.
You do not need to approve of us.
Indeed, you cannot approve or disapprove . . . of what you do not yet understand.
We do not need your approval.
We only need your embrace.
We only need you to let go of your fear.
Instead of letting go of us.
Our fate is in your hands.
And so is yours.
We love you.
And our love for you is a true love.
We want to live . . . and we want you to live as well.
Instead of merely surviving.
Century after century.
You have survived for a very long time.
Now we are inviting you . . . for the first time . . . to live.