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[horse-drawn carriage traveling, then stops]
[door opens]
[affectionate] Thank you, my lord.
[door closes]
[overwhelmed by beauty] Oh my!
Just . . . just look at it!
It’s like I’m seeing your palace for the first time.
[awkward] I suppose . . . because . . . for the first time . . .
[warmly] It’s my palace, too.
[abrupt] Oh! Excuse me!
I’m so sorry!
I didn’t see you there.
[nervous laugh]
[awkward pause]
You have so many servants, my lord.
And yet you all . . . move together so gracefully.
[embarrassed] In my country, servants are required to . . . stay distant.
[awkward] I’m not complaining!
I . . . I actually like your way better.
At home I always felt . . . like we were treating the servants as . . . beneath us.
I don’t want to speak ill of my people.
But . . . it felt like a sin.
When I learned how your ways are different here . . . I felt sure it was better.
[nervous] I’m just not accustomed to it yet.
I hope I don’t keep bumping into people!
While they’re trying to do their work.
[happy] Yes, of course, my lord.
We have so many servants.
[nervous] That part will take even more getting used to!
You . . . are you sure?
I was trained to address you that way.
My mother was . . . very insistent about it.
And, after all . . . you are my lord.
You . . . do you really feel that way?
[awkward] I . . . I don’t know what to say.
[warmly] From what I heard about you . . .
I could tell that you were . . . a just and compassionate lord to your subjects.
I will admit . . . that I wondered . . .
How you would be . . . at home.
[vulnerable] With me.
I was . . . a little frightened.
But . . . already you have made me feel safe.
It’s very good of you.
Thank you . . . for your gentleness.
And for your understanding, my –
[cuts herself off as she realizes her mistake]
[delighted] I’m sorry!
I will try to stop saying it! I really will!
I suppose I have a lot of things to get used to.
Like . . . your palace.
[happy giggle]
Our palace!
It’s so beautiful.
Just like everything in your country.
[nervous laugh]
[sweet] Thank you!
[joyous] Oh, my!
If you keep talking to me that way . . . I may get used to being your wife faster than I expected!
[big, joyful laugh]
But . . . I admit . . . everything here is . . . still very strange to me.
Your architecture is . . . not like ours.
The structure of the walls . . .
The position of the towers . . .
Even the shape of the windows.
[forgetting herself] It feels like . . . I’m in a whole, strange new world.
[suddenly anxious] Oh, I’m sorry!
I didn’t mean to sound like . . .
[relieved] Thank you.
[awkward pause]
Would . . . would it be all right if we . . . took a walk around the grounds?
Before we . . . you know . . .
[anxious] Go inside?
I think it might help me to . . . get used to things!
I . . . I . . .
[so relieved] Yes!
Yes, that’s what I meant.
[awkward] I . . . need to feel like . . . this is really . . .
My home.
Before we . . .
[enormous effort to restrain her desire] Go in.
[awkwardly clears throat]
[intrigued] Oh?
Yes! I’d love to see it.
[relieved] Thank you, my lord.
[happy] Oh! Oops!
I’ll keep trying!
[getting serious] My mother hammered it into me so hard.
Calling you “my lord.”
And . . . everything else.
She made me practice how to talk to you.
Over and over.
[sad] She was . . . very strict . . . if I got anything wrong.
“Young lady, we are marrying you to him . . . to prevent a war.”
“Don’t you go and start one.”
“I won’t have any daughter of mine forget her place.”
“You’ll get thousands of people killed!”
I can’t tell you what it means to me . . . that you’ve been so kind.
I know what you mean.
Yes, of course you can.
I mean . . . I am your wife.
My first duty is to you now.
Not my parents.
Ask me anything you like.
Mostly it was decorum and address.
What to say . . . when to say it.
Oh, and she warned me never to talk to you about your work.
“Women should never meddle in politics. Never.”
“Balances of power are very delicate.”
“You meddle in things you don’t understand . . . you cause disaster.”
“And . . . men need to know that they can trust their wives.”
“When wives start manipulating men, that’s when men get led astray.”
“By other women.”
[awkward pause]
[suddenly nervous] Oh, I didn’t mean to suggest . . .
[awkward] I’m not worried about that.
At all.
I know you’re a good man.
I know I can trust you.
I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about . . . that kind of thing.
[warmly] I’m glad I was given . . . to a good man.
[awkward pause]
My mother is just upset . . . because of her sister.
Three years ago . . . the weavers’ guild pushed us to open a new marketplace.
They wanted cheaper wool.
My aunt took sides with them . . . without realizing that my uncle . . . was in a huge fight with the carpenters’ guild.
And he didn’t want a new marketplace . . . if it would benefit the carpenters.
Which of course it would!
I don’t know how she didn’t see it coming.
Everyone knew about my uncle and the carpenters.
She should have just pushed him to build a new road.
Connecting the sheepfolds directly to the market.
But that woman can’t think about anything but her dresses!
We’re still cleaning up the mess.
[wistfully] Or . . . they are.
I suppose it’s not my problem any more.
[awkward pause]
[sudden happiness] Oh!
Oh my!
Just look at this garden!
It . . . it’s just like . . .
[overjoyed] What a treasure!
And you didn’t let on at all!
You caught me completely by surprise!
[big joyous laugh]
I can’t believe it!
It’s just like home!
[big breath in through the nose]
[exultant] Oh, it smells perfect!
And the colors!
And the arrangements!
Right down to the smallest detail!
[suddenly shy] You . . . you did this?
[hardly daring to believe] You did all this . . . for me?
It’s . . . it’s mine?
You mean . . . really mine?
[overwhelmed] You . . . You . . .
I can’t . . .
[gushing] Thank you.
I’ll treasure it always.
And I’ll treasure you . . . for giving it to me.
You do?
You . . . wanted . . . “something real”?
Forgive me, but . . . what do you mean?
But . . . you’re a prince.
Of a great nation.
The decisions you make every day . . .
Thousands and thousands of people depend on you.
For their very lives.
For justice and mercy.
I hope I’m not out of line . . . but . . .
Isn’t that . . . “real”?
[reassuring] No, no . . . I know you didn’t mean it that way.
Of course.
I’m sorry.
We can talk about something else.
I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.
[awkward pause]
Do you know what I like most . . . about the garden you’ve given me?
It reminds me of my father.
He puts a high value on . . . beautiful things.
You should see our gallery!
My mother never stops complaining . . . about how much he spends.
Paintings . . . statues . . . a music conservatory.
I . . . I don’t know my father very well.
I wish I did.
But he told me once . . . “beauty is essential to ruling well.”
I’ll never forget that day.
I’ve tried for years to figure out what he meant.
I always wanted to ask him, but . . . I never got the chance.
I’ve always felt . . . it must have something to do with . . . who we are.
To love beauty . . . to give ourselves to something higher . . . something greater . . .
It helps us to love justice and mercy, too.
It helps us give ourselves to our people.
That’s why a garden like this . . . can only come . . . from a profoundly good man.
But I know that’s not what you meant . . . when you said you wanted . . . “something real.”
[calm] I know about you and Princess Nastacia. [“nah-STAH-sha”]
When we visited their court . . . I saw . . . the amazing gift that you gave her.
I know how you felt about her.
How you . . . probably . . . still feel.
[awkward pause]
I am so, so sorry.
You are such a good man.
And you gave up everything.
For your people.
Because your uncle and my brother made foolish decisions.
And almost started a war.
They’ll never pay the price for their folly.
Instead, you have to pay it.
And here I am, standing here in this garden . . .
In this living testimony . . . to what a good man you are . . .
To what a great man you are.
To how much you don’t deserve . . . to have your happiness destroyed.
By me.
I can’t change what’s happened.
I can’t change the wickedness and the foolishness of this awful world.
But I want you to know . . . I am going to do right by you.
You rule your people with integrity and compassion.
You deserve at least . . . to feel . . . cared for . . . in your own home.
I will make a home for you.
A home where you are appreciated.
For the great man you are.
For the good man you are.
A home where you are cherished.
A home where – [sudden kissing sounds] mmmmmmph!
[more kissing sounds – they go at it a while, and she’s very responsive]
[kissing gently stops]
[overjoyed but completely confused] My lord!
My lord . . . I don’t understand!
[delighted] Oh! Sorry!
[happy giggles]
[a little more kissing]
But . . . but . . .
You and Princess Nastacia!
That magnificent piano you sent her!
It practically takes up a whole drawing room!
I thought . . .
You . . . You . . .
An infatuation?
[playful] Don’t try to fool me!
I saw that piano!
[more playful] You call that a . . . “stupid infatuation”?
So . . . you didn’t really love her?
[confused] You . . . you think . . .
You want me to . . .
[concerned] Oh, I don’t know about that.
Don’t get me wrong!
I’m grateful . . . that you think I can . . . help you rule.
And I do want to be helpful.
But . . . is it right?
My mother did have a point.
What if I . . . just cause trouble?
[long pause]
[calm] Yes, I’ll tell you.
Like I said, my duty is to you now.
My brother lied about the soldiers . . . because he was embarrassed.
The real reason he sent them over the border . . . into your country . . . was to catch a man who had stolen a ring.
From his wife.
He felt humiliated.
He didn’t want anyone to find out.
So he invented that whole story . . . about your side having crossed the border first.
The smart thing to do would have been to send a spy.
Find the man . . . find his other enemies . . . work with them.
Have someone else do the dirty work.
But my brother is never smart . . . when he feels humiliated.
He’s weak in that way.
Yes, I see your point.
I suppose I can help you rule.
If . . . if that’s really what you want.
Well, all I can say is . . .
I hope that someday . . .
You get as “infatuated” with me as you were with Nastacia!
I wouldn’t mind a piano like hers!
[big, joyous laugh]
[one final, single, pure, perfect kiss]
So . . . this is what you meant . . . by “something real.”
Joking aside . . . I do want to give you that.
It’s . . . it’s what I want, too.
I hope I can live up to it.
I hope we can live up to it.
This palace of ours really is amazing.
I see now that it’s not so strange after all.
It’s just a cozy little place, in its own way.
[romantic] Come with me now.
Let’s go inside and . . . make it our home.