Once Upon His Dream

What if it were the princess who had to awaken her true love with a kiss? (About 1,800 words)

This script is part of the Someday My Princess Will Come series.

If you perform one of my scripts, please let me know so I can add the video to my channel!


[breathing heavily, but joyful] Now that . . . was exhilarating!


Not to mention exhausting!

But now I get . . . why knights go into the dragon-killing business!

What a thrill!

[a few more heavy breaths]

I’m not sure I need any more dragons in my life . . . but I may have to take up fencing!

I wonder if it’s any different without the enchanted weapons.

[a few more breaths]

[serious] All right . . . enough stalling.

Time to face my final test.

[worried] I hope I’m up to it.

[a final breath in and out for confidence]


Now to find the bedchamber.

And face my fate.


Where is his bedchamber?

It must be around here somewhere.

I sure hope that sorceress . . . specialized in . . . “turn myself into a dragon” spells . . . and not “hide your true love’s bedchamber” spells.

[suddenly worried] He is my true love.

He is.

I know it.

And my love for him is true.

[even more worried] I hope!

[trying to convince herself] How could it not be?

He’s loyal and true-hearted.

He’s brave.

He’s compassionate.

And gentle.

[sigh] And so handsome!

And I felt this way . . . before I knew he was a prince.


When we met . . . I took him for a common woodsman.

I mean, he lived in a dingy little cottage in the woods . . . and everything.

And he didn’t know I was a princess, either.


[growing confidence] I came home that very night . . . and told my father right to his face . . . that I was going to marry for love.

That I was going to find the right man.

Not some . . . politically convenient prince.

Someone they picked out for me . . . on the day I was born.

[annoyed] After all, this is the fourteenth century.

[startled] Oh!

[relieved] Sorry, sorry!

You startled me, is all. Sorry.

Wow, you fairies just . . . [nervous laugh] pop up out of nowhere, don’t you?


Well . . . hello again!

Thanks for the enchanted weapons!

I mean it . . . they were a lifesaver!

Here’s your shield back.

[nervous] I’m afraid the sword . . . kind of ended up . . . stuck in the dragon’s heart.


[relieved] Oh! Well, that’s okay, then.

Glad it worked out!

Hey, listen . . . not that I’m not completely grateful for your help . . . but . . . just some feedback, for next time?

As long as you’re enchanting the weapons . . . maybe . . . add a spell to make them lighter?

I mean . . . they didn’t feel that heavy when I just had to carry them.

But when life and death depended on swinging them as hard as I could?

I’m telling you . . . I’m sore . . . in places I didn’t know I had!



The enchantment makes them heavier?


Well then . . . no wonder!

Maybe next time . . . try an enchanted crossbow, or something.




Well, I suppose you know your business.

Speaking of which . . . right now, this princess . . . is in the smooching business.

So if you could please point me to . . . 


Ah. I see.

No wonder I couldn’t find it.



Well . . . thank you!


[trying to get rid of them] Thank you . . . very much!

[she waits for them to take the hint, but they don’t]

Ummm . . . again, not that I’m not completely grateful, but . . . 

[they still don’t take the hint]

[awkward] Handsome prince . . . under a sleeping curse . . . triumphant princess . . . arriving to wake him up . . . 

[they still don’t take the hint]

[exaggerated nervous laugh] Intimate moment, and all . . . you know . . . 

[they still don’t take the hint]

[miffed] A little privacy, please?

This is a true love’s kiss, not a juggling act in the town square!

Make with the wings!

Get into the flying away business!


[calling out after them] And thanks again! Couldn’t have done it without you!



[calming breath]


[nervous] My love is true.

[more nervous] My love . . . is true.

[awkward] One true love’s kiss coming right up!

Oh, boy.



Here we go.

[sound of door opening]

[softly] Oh, my.

[quiet, but intense] Oh, my love.

How you take my breath away.

Has there ever been anything so beautiful?

Your face is so peaceful.

I can see all your kindness and warmth.

I can see your good humor . . . the joy you find in things. 

Even little things.


[giggle] Remember that time . . . with the dandelions?


And yet . . . I can also see your bravery.

I see the unbreakable steel . . . behind the softness.

Even this terrible curse couldn’t break you.

It can’t change your kindness and joy.

Your spirit has so much delight . . . and so much power.


[suddenly anguished] How can my love ever measure up to you?

How can I ever love you . . . the way you deserve?


I think back to that first day we spent together.

When I came across your cottage in the woods.

How kind and good you were.

I didn’t have anything like that . . . in my world.

That’s why I rode so far from the castle.

My father had just told me . . . that I had been promised in marriage . . . on the day I was born.

[disgusted] Betrothed . . . to some prince I had never met!

So our parents could solve their political problems.

Using us as their pawns.


[angry] When I’m a queen, I’ll never use people that way.


[tenderly] And you won’t either . . . when you’re my king.

That’s why I fell so hard for you.

That’s why I kept riding back out to the woods.

To see you again and again.

I couldn’t stay away from you.

I think you may be . . . the first good man I’ve ever met.


How ironic . . . that the prince I was bound to . . . turned out to be you.

Beautiful, brave, amazing you.

Even in your cottage in the woods . . . you were more truly royal . . . than any of the fools and scoundrels in my father’s court.

And look at you now.

A lord of beauty and glory.

Just waiting . . . for a true love’s kiss . . . to set you free.


And to think . . . you don’t even know yet . . . that I’m your princess.

The fairies who raised you . . .

You have a really interesting family, by the way!

They told you on your birthday . . .

On our birthday . . . the same day my parents told me . . .

That you were betrothed.

That you had already been promised . . . on the day you were born.

[jokingly pretends to be disgusted] To some . . . princess.

[delighted] Just think of it!

We met . . . and fell in love . . . both of us knowing . . . we were already betrothed.

And neither of us knowing . . . it was to each other!


I’m actually glad my father was so heartless about it . . . when he told me.

I was so upset.

That’s why I rode so far from the castle . . . and found you.

And I’m really glad the fairies told me who you really are.

[tenderly] That you’re not just my love . . . you’re my prince.

Because let me tell you, prince . . . 

I don’t go around slaying evil sorceress-dragons for just . . . any guy I meet in the woods!

But for you?

[serious, defiant] For you I could do anything.

[suddenly anxious] Here’s hoping I can do a true love’s kiss!

[long breath in and out]

You know something?

I realize now . . . what I’m really afraid of.

I don’t doubt my love for you.

Not for a second.

What I doubt is . . . whether I’m worthy of you.

Just look at you.

[anguish] How can I possibly deserve . . . 

[chokes on emotion, takes a moment to calm herself]

But you know what else I’m realizing?

That kind of love?

That’s how my parents love me.

They love me . . . if I deserve it.

They love me . . . if I’m good enough for them.

They love me . . . if I am what they think I should be.

They love me . . . if.

But you don’t love me that way.

Your love doesn’t know the word “if.”

Your love doesn’t measure me . . . or evaluate me.

Your love doesn’t demand anything.

Your love . . . just wants . . . me.

You . . . just . . . love me.

You just love the person I am.

I don’t have to worry about whether I’m good enough.

I don’t have to earn your love.


[quietly] Your love . . . is true.

[firm] Your love is true.

[completely calm and sure] And so is mine.


[serious] Awaken, my love.


[lighthearted] Hi, there, handsome!

Welcome back to the waking world.


Yes! It’s me!


[wistful] You used to walk in the woods with me.

Once upon a dream.


[playful] Hello!

[giggle] Welcome back!

Everybody has been waiting for you.

I mean . . . of all the days to oversleep . . . you pick your wedding day?


[big, joyous laugh]

That’s right, sleepyhead.




I guess princess whatshername . . . is all out of luck.


Don’t feel bad for her. 

She’s a princess. 

She’s got a castle, and servants, and everything.

She’ll live!

I’m the one who killed the sorceress.


That’s right!

And it was my kiss that broke the spell.

And every day of our life together . . . starting today . . . I am going to hold it over your head!

[big, joyous laugh]

Don’t ever forget our anniversary!

Or leave your dirty clothes on the floor!

I’ll just say: “Maybe I should have left you asleep!”

“I should have let you wait . . . for your precious princess to save you!”

[big, joyous laugh]

[romantic] And then you’ll have to remind me . . . the reason I woke you up.




Yeah, I think we’re going to do just fine.

Why should you marry a princess, anyway?

[happy] After all . . . this is the fourteenth century!