Note: Special thanks to Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR, whose delightfully offbeat dragon girlfriend series created the spark of inspiration from which this more impassioned series grew.
This is Part Three of the You Are My Treasure series.
If you perform one of my scripts, please let me know so I can add the video to my channel!
[whispering, with intense hopefulness] Are you awake?
[not yet daring to believe it] You’re awake?
[believing] You’re awake!
Oh, my treasure! My treasure!
You came back to me!
I knew you would!
Somehow, I knew.
Somehow . . . I knew my precious treasure wasn’t lost!
Oh, my beautiful man.
My love.
My special one.
My magnificent prize.
Love of my life.
Apple of my eye.
You came back to me!
I love you so, so much!
You will never, never know how much I love you.
[concerned] Be careful.
Don’t talk too much.
You’re in the hospital.
You were injured.
Don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything.
You’re safe now.
No need to worry.
I’m here to protect you.
I’m here to take care of you.
Nothing can hurt you.
Nothing can hurt you while I’m here.
Are you thirsty?
Slowly. Slowly.
There we go.
Oh, my treasure.
I want so much to hold you.
I want so much to hoard you.
I want to wrap you up and never let you go.
But . . . you’re hurt.
I can’t hold you yet.
Your body needs to heal.
I soon as you’re well . . . I’m going to hoard you and never let go.
My chalice.
My Apollo.
My special treasure.
My precious one.
[holding back anger] You were attacked.
In your home.
By a . . . [disgusted] by a gnomeblood. [“NOHM-blood”]
He knocked you out.
You got a serious concussion.
And you apparently bruised a rib when you fell.
[disgusted] Gnomebloods.
Filthy little thieves.
[upset] But darling!
Look what he did to you!
To my precious one!
[deflated] Oh, who am I kidding?
I’m just looking for . . . someone to blame.
[in anguish] It’s my own fault.
[ashamed] I . . . I failed.
I didn’t protect you.
I didn’t protect my treasure.
Oh, my love.
You always know exactly what to say.
But . . . a dragon protects her treasure.
That’s our way!
That’s what matters most to us!
That’s who we are.
Oh, my treasure.
I love you so much . . . for trying to make me feel better.
Look at you!
Laid up in a hospital.
You only just woke up.
You’ve been unconscious.
For a whole day.
A whole day!
I thought I had lost you!
And you wake up . . . and what’s the first thing you do?
You take care of me!
Of my needs!
My love . . . I will never, ever deserve you.
[anxious] You don’t understand.
[in agony] It’s my fault you were attacked.
He was after my chalice.
[hurried] I mean, your chalice!
The one I gave you!
Somehow . . . he found out you had it.
I should never have given it to you.
[bitter] I did it to help myself.
To help myself learn to treat you better.
It didn’t even work.
Just now?
I called it “my” chalice.
And I knew that it was risky!
Giving it to you.
I even said so!
And look what happened!
[anguish] I hurt you.
I hurt my own treasure.
[bitter] I’m a failure.
[long pause]
Oh, my beautiful man.
[quietly] How can you say that?
How can you even look at me?
[quietly happy] No, no.
You’re the beautiful one.
I never was.
No, it isn’t.
My heart is not beautiful.
I failed you as a human.
Over and over again.
Being so possessive.
And now . . . I’ve failed you as a dragon, too.
[long pause]
[not daring to believe] You really feel that way?
[anxious] I . . . I almost took off your ring.
This beautiful dragon ring . . . that you put on my finger.
When you asked me to marry you.
I felt like I . . . didn’t deserve to wear it.
[warmly] I’m glad I left it on.
I’ll never take it off.
I promise.
And I promise you something else.
[firm] I will do better.
As a human.
And as a dragon.
I will love you the way you deserve to be loved.
I will respect you.
And I will protect you.
[one pure, perfect kiss]
[relief] And that begins with taking care of you!
[sweetly] So . . . let me just arrange your blankets, here . . .
And fluff your pillow . . .
You rest now.
And I’ll take care of you.
Until you’re better.
Do you want any more to drink?
Oh, my love.
My precious treasure.
I was so scared.
Scared that I’d lost you.
That you would never be my mate.
My husband.
My forever treasure.
And that I would never get to be your wife.
As a dragon, I need to protect you.
My beautiful, special treasure.
But . . . as a woman . . . I need to be your wife.
I need you to be my mate.
Now, not later.
I can’t wait any longer.
To make you my mate.
To make you my husband.
To make you my forever treasure.
[awkward] Well, not “make you” make you!
I don’t mean . . .
[relieved] Thank you.
You always understand what I mean.
Thank you.
For understanding.
And for trusting me.
I trust you, too.
In fact . . .
[hesitant] I . . .
[blurting it out] I want to tell you where my lair is.
Oh, to hell with the sacred law!
You are the only sacred law that matters to me.
Nothing is sacred to me . . . but you.
Nothing in the world is sacred . . . but our love.
[addressing him] My treasure?
[anxious] What’s wrong?
Are you in pain?
Is something hurting?
Are you uncomfortable?
What is it?
What I said?
What about what I said?
Well, no.
I didn’t mean it that way.
[a little angry with him] Who cares if I “betray my heritage”?
You sound like my grandfather!
[getting riled up] Do you have a problem . . . with me loving you more than anything else?
[calming down] No, no.
I know you didn’t mean it that way, either.
But . . .
Does it really make you this upset?
If I tell you?
If I . . .
If I break the sacred law?
[long pause]
Well . . . okay.
If you really feel that way about it.
[firm] I will take good care of my treasure.
I said I would.
And I will.
But . . . my precious one . . .
You are asking a lot of me.
You have no idea.
How my blood is rushing.
How my blood is rising up within me.
My blood is boiling for you.
To tell you.
To make you my mate.
To make you my husband.
To make you mine forever.
And to be yours forever.
And when that boiling blood comes over me . . .
The sacred laws . . . just don’t seem sacred.
Nothing else does.
Only our love.
[vulnerable] I just don’t understand.
Why this matters to you.
Like . . . at all!
[calm, genuinely confused] I mean . . . what are the sacred laws to you?
That you should get so upset about them?
[long pause]
[bursting with joy] Of course!
What a beautiful idea!
[romantic] From a beautiful man!
[excited] Let’s do it right now!
Is there a phone in the room?
Ah! Here it is!
Let’s see, now, how do I . . . ah, there it is.
[into the phone] Hello?
Yes, could you transfer me to the chaplain’s [“CHAP-linz”] office, please?
Thank you!
[to him, romantically] My treasure is so, so smart!
I knew I was right to cherish him!
[sparkling] Above all other treasures!
[into the phone] Hello?
Is this the hospital chaplain? [“CHAP-lin”]
We have a . . . a pressing need . . . that I hope you can help us with.
We’re in Room 347.
Might you be able to come up here?
No, that’s just fine.
That will be perfect.
We’re so grateful!
Thank you so much!
[to him] She’s with someone else now . . . but she can come up this afternoon.
We’ll ask her to marry us.
Right here.
Right now.
[one pure, perfect kiss]
Oh, that’s right!
We’ll need the marriage license.
[aside] I’m glad you convinced me to go in with you . . . and get it early!
It’s at home.
Here, I’ll text my parents . . . and ask them to bring it.
They’ll want to be here anyway.
For the big moment!
And then you’ll be my mate.
Everything will be okay!
We’ll be so happy together.
I’m so, so happy.
Just to be with you.
[romantic] Just to be mated to you.
And I can’t wait to go on that honeymoon.
[sparkling] That you planned for us!
We’ll go as soon as you’re better.
[excited] And you know what my favorite part will be!
I get to hoard you . . . and gaze at your beauty . . . for three whole days!
Not just two.
I can’t thank you enough for that.
I’m so excited!
And then we’ll come home.
To my lair.
To our lair!
And we’ll be so happy there together.
All the changes I’ve been making to the place are finished.
It’s all set.
All prepared.
For a fully human resident.
No cold, hard stone floor for my man!
And . . . no bed of gold coins, either!
I’ve made everything ready for you.
[playful] Hey, now!
You’re the one who didn’t want me to tell secrets!
[teasing] You’ll find out what I did with my statue . . . when you’re my mate.
Which won’t be long now!
I can’t wait for you to see all that I’ve done.
To get the lair ready.
To share it with you.
To live there with you.
We’ll live there together.
[calm] And don’t you worry about that nasty gnomeblood.
[proud] You are completely safe.
My grandfather took care of him.
[in awe] He was so amazing.
I can’t even tell you.
I was sure he’d be furious.
That I gave you the chalice.
That I gave a treasure away.
And not just any treasure!
My most prized possession!
My special treasure.
[romantic] Or it used to be . . . until there was you.
But he didn’t care about that.
He didn’t even think about it.
And he didn’t blame me.
For failing to protect you.
He only cared that . . . a member of our clan needed help.
[happy] Just think of that!
He’s already accepted you into the clan!
And he only cared about helping you!
[wistful] You know . . . I really feel that I misjudged him.
I never felt . . . fully comfortable . . . with my heritage.
About being dragonblooded.
Because he . . . he seemed so . . .
But now . . . he’s protecting us.
Protecting you.
I feel like . . .
It makes me proud to be part dragon.
I’m so grateful to him.
For taking care of that gnomeblood.
[calm, casual] Well . . . he killed him, of course.
[genuinely confused] What else would he do?
[long pause]
[getting angry] What is wrong with you?
[firm] He was an enemy.
That’s what you do to enemies.
You kill them.
[angry] That’s what dragons do, anyway.
Maybe you don’t like dragons so much after all.
What is wrong with all of you?
[bitter] Mother felt the same way you do.
She tried to stop grandfather from killing him.
It was so unlike her!
I would have thought . . . that she would understand.
She’s so protective of dad!
She would do anything to keep him safe.
I know it!
And she’s the one who taught me to love you properly.
To care for you.
To protect you . . . the right way.
I just don’t understand.
Why did she try to stop him?
[upset] And I really, really don’t understand this from you.
This man hurt you!
Really badly!
He hurt my precious treasure!
And he did it . . . to steal your treasure!
[upset] So what if he’s a . . .
[disgusted] A gnomeblood?
[angry] That’s different!
That’s completely different!
Dragonbloods and gnomebloods are not the same.
At all!
[shocked] No!
[offended] I don’t sympathize with him!
Why should I?
I’m nothing like him!
[confused and angry] How should I know if he . . . had any family?
And why should I care?
What business is that of ours?
[upset] Why do you have to be this way?
Why can’t you just be beautiful?
Why can’t you just be beautiful and let me love you?
Why can’t you just . . . accept my love?
My adoration?
Why can’t I just . . . cherish you?
[bitter] My chalice never treated me this way!
[chagrined] Oh . . . oh no.
[intense] I am so, so, so sorry!
[mortified] That was completely unfair.
I should not have said that.
Any of that.
It was so wrong.
I was being so unfair.
Of course you have a right to your own feelings.
And your own opinions.
Even if . . . I can’t understand them.
Please . . . forgive me.
[relieved] Thank you.
I’m just . . .
I’m still just so upset.
About . . . almost losing you.
About . . . failing you.
Not protecting you.
I was . . . still thinking about myself.
About my pain.
Not yours.
[long pause]
Thank you.
I love you.
I love you.
[softly] I believe you . . . but . . .
I have no idea why you do.
How do you go on loving me?
[awkward] I . . . admit that . . . I still don’t understand.
Why you . . .
Why what my grandfather did . . . upsets you.
I will try.
I will try to understand.
For you.
I know that . . . if I’m going to love you . . .
I need to understand you.
I will try.
For you.
For my treasure.
Yeah, that makes sense.
When they get here . . . I’ll ask them if we can talk about it.
All of us.
I mean . . . my mother got me this far.
With you.
It’s all because of her . . . that I’ve been able to love you.
Like I should.
Or . . . at least I’ve made progress.
[confused] What?
[not daring to believe] Hoard you?
[vulnerable] Really?
You . . . really want me to?
But . . .
But how can you want me to hoard you?
After . . . after all this?
After how I’ve treated you?
After how I’ve been treating you . . . since the moment you woke up?
How can you even think of it?
I just . . .
[unsure] Are you sure?
Well . . . okay.
I mean, you know how much I love to.
How much I need to.
How much I need you.
Well, I can’t get in the bed with you, but . . .
Let me just . . .
Sit here . . .
And put my arm across you.
And . . . there.
[long pause]
Oh, my love.
Thank you.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for trusting me.
I’m still yours.
And you’re mine.
All mine.
My joy.
My love.
You are my beautiful man.
You are my forever treasure.